Friday, March 15, 2013

Really Rare Rabbits

Ten years ago I began writing. Through our mission, we self-published the nine-book series Rumi Rancho Tails, and then another four-book series PegTales. Both children's series were well received by our ministry contacts. People began asking when I would write another series. The encouragement I received spurred me to continue writing. While pursuing a traditional publisher for my three-book series, Really Rare Rabbits, God led me to Tracy Ruckman, owner and editor of Pix-N-Pens Publishing. In her first email to me after reading my book she said, "This is wonderful"––what writer doesn't want to hear those words? I signed a three-book contract with Pix-N-Pens Publishing. It is a joy working with Tracy on this wonderful journey of publishing.

Tracy posted this blurb on Friday March 1st about my book...

We're celebrating Friday in a big way today! Our latest book is now available on Amazon! Peggy Cunningham has written a book called Really Rare Rabbits: Giant Ghost Rabbits Guarding the Inca Treasure Fires. Chi Chi and his sister Fi Fi are part of a family of giant rabbits. The young rabbits live on a mountain in Bolivia where their ancestors landed with their owners, the Quechua Indians, when they escaped from Peru. You won't see them on the mountain unless you look very close, but you will hear them giggling. A very old legend tells of their unbelievable size and their unusual job, protecting a treasure of gold left behind on the mountain by their owners of long ago. Every night they sit by the fires, near where they think the treasures are buried. But, one day they hear of a new Light on the mountain that never burns out. Even though Chi Chi and Fi Fi are supposed to stay well hidden during the day, they decide to venture down the mountain to peer in the missionaries' windows. That is when their dangerous adventure begins.

Really Rare Rabbits is available at:

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